Satisfactory / Negative – this means that the clinician has looked at the results and deemed it to be within the normal range for the test and so no further investigation or treatment is needed or very close to the normal range for the test and the result is not concerning. Some patients have consistently abnormal results that are ‘normal’ to them.
Stable - this means that the clinician has looked at the result and no further investigation or treatment is needed. This may be for the following reasons:
- The result is in keeping with your known medical condition(s)
- The result has already been discussed with you
- You are already on the correct treatment
Sample lost/unusable, repeat – unfortunately very occasionally samples are lost. Sometimes there is a delay in samples reaching the laboratory which can affect the quality of the specimen making it unusable. Occasionally an incorrect test is requested in which case a repeat may not be needed. On the other occasions an incorrect bottle or label may have been used.
Positive – often used with tests for infections – this means that the condition being tested for has been detected.
Patient to make a telephone appointment to discuss – the clinician would like to speak to you to explain the result(s) by telephone. Ideally with the clinician who requested the test.
Repeat test – small fluctuations in test results are common and slightly abnormal results usually return to normal without the need for treatment. The clinician would like to check your result has returned to normal or remained stable. There should be an indication of how long you should wait before rechecking your blood test.
Prescription sent to pharmacy – your test result(s) indicate that you need some medication and there is a prescription ready for you at your nominated pharmacy. There should be an additional comment explaining what the treatment is for, however if you are unsure please contact the surgery.
Low Q risk – your risk of developing cardiovascular disease is low and no treatment is required. Visit our page for information on ways to further reduce your risk.